LaTeX and Microsoft Word Style Files for ISS2006 full papers

Author's instruction for full papers in PDF format

  • Authors should prepare own final papers using the following style files (LaTeX or Microsoft Word).

    Style file for LaTeX2e

    Style file(iss2006.cls)
    Style file(harvard.sty)
    Sample file(sample-iss.tex)
    * To use these style files, please download iss2006.cls, harvard.sty and sample-iss.tex, and read sample-iss.tex carefully.

    Style file for Microsoft Word

    Microsoft Word template file(iss06wordstyle.doc)

  • Authors should submit their full papers in Portable Document Format (PDF) by e-mail to: iss06-pa (at)*)
  • All the fonts used in your PDF file should be EMBEDDED and SUBSETTED.
  • The acceptable length of the paper is even numbers of pages, i.e., 2, 4 or 6 pages.
  • Submission of full paper should be completed no later than March 3, 2006.

* Please replace "(at)" with "@".